Notre Dame-01

圖一 (Fig. 01)

致謝:感謝 國立臺灣師範大學 生命科學系 林豊益實驗室 提供斑馬魚供阿鶴拍照用。

Acknowledgement :
Thanks for the "Lin Li-Yih Lab"* supplied the zebrafish.
* Lin Li-Yih Lab, The Department of Life Science, The National Taiwan Normal University, ROC.


感謝美國諾丹(聖母)大學的 '諾丹延伸研究社區' (NDeRC)採用阿鶴拍的這張斑馬魚照片為他們生物眼(BioEyes)網頁的唯一照片(圖一)(


Thanks for the University of Notre Dame's NDeRC (Notre Dame extended Research Community) chosen this photo as the main photo (Fig. 01) along their BioEyes website (


Notre Dame.JPG

圖二 (Fig. 02)

感謝美國諾丹(聖母)大學的 '諾丹延伸研究社區' (NDeRC)採用阿鶴拍的這張斑馬魚照片為他們共同研究項目網頁照片之一 (圖二) (

Thanks for the University of Notre Dame's NDeRC (Notre Dame extended Research Community) chosen this photo (Fig. 02) as thier Collaborations website (


圖三 (Fig. 03)

阿鶴在2007.1205發佈在個人Flikcr相簿裡的斑馬魚照片 (圖三, 照片名稱: 母斑馬魚 Female Zebrafish-01_Worth $200 US dollars, 網址:

Above photo (Fig. 03) was posted on the Flickr album on 05.Dec.2007 by Ho-Wen. The photo's title is "母斑馬魚 Female Zebrafish-01_Worth $200 US dollars". The quoted URL is ""


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