圖一 (Fig. 01)
致謝:感謝 國立臺灣師範大學 生命科學系 林豊益實驗室 提供斑馬魚供阿鶴拍照用。
Acknowledgement :
Thanks for the "Lin Li-Yih Lab"* supplied the zebrafish.
* Lin Li-Yih Lab, The Department of Life Science, The National Taiwan Normal University, ROC.
感謝美國諾丹(聖母)大學的 '諾丹延伸研究社區' (NDeRC)採用阿鶴拍的這張斑馬魚照片為他們生物眼(BioEyes)網頁的唯一照片(圖一)(http://erc.nd.edu/blogs/bioeyes/).
Thanks for the University of Notre Dame's NDeRC (Notre Dame extended Research Community) chosen this photo as the main photo (Fig. 01) along their BioEyes website (http://erc.nd.edu/blogs/bioeyes/)
圖二 (Fig. 02)
感謝美國諾丹(聖母)大學的 '諾丹延伸研究社區' (NDeRC)採用阿鶴拍的這張斑馬魚照片為他們共同研究項目網頁照片之一 (圖二) (http://erc.nd.edu/collaborations/).
Thanks for the University of Notre Dame's NDeRC (Notre Dame extended Research Community) chosen this photo (Fig. 02) as thier Collaborations website (http://erc.nd.edu/collaborations/).
圖三 (Fig. 03)
阿鶴在2007.1205發佈在個人Flikcr相簿裡的斑馬魚照片 (圖三, 照片名稱: 母斑馬魚 Female Zebrafish-01_Worth $200 US dollars, 網址: http://www.flickr.com/photos/chenhowen/2088749055/).
Above photo (Fig. 03) was posted on the Flickr album on 05.Dec.2007 by Ho-Wen. The photo's title is "母斑馬魚 Female Zebrafish-01_Worth $200 US dollars". The quoted URL is "http://www.flickr.com/photos/chenhowen/2088749055/"